Product Category: Potentiostats
Industry: Electrochemistry
Supplier: Gamry
There are six different bipotentiostat configurations available to you:
- Two Interface 1010 Potentiostats
- Two Interface 5000 Potentiostats
- One Interface 1010 and one Interface 5000
- Two Reference 600+Potentiostats
- Two Reference 3000 Potentiostats
- One Reference 600+ and one Reference 3000
Not only does Gamry bipotentiostats have the capabilities to perform the usual list of experiments, they also have the ability to perform custom experiments. Electrochemical time-of-flight (electrochemical TOF) is an experiment where it is necessary to disconnect the generator electrodes prior to detection of a species at the collector electrodes. Having two fully-independent channels, such as the ones in Gamry’s bipotentiostat, gives you that ability. Since these are two fully-independent channels you also have the ability to run separate, individual experiments on both channels simultaneously. Gamry's bipotentiostat is simply the most flexible bipotentiostat on the market.